Sunday, January 13, 2013

Annual Survey of Hull


The annual survey, as required by the relevant regulations and as shown diagrammatically in the harmonized system of survey and certification, should be held within three months before or after each anniversary date of the certificate.


An annual survey should enable the Administration to verify that the condition of the ship, its machinery and equipment is being maintained in accordance with the relevant requirements.

In general, the scope of the annual survey should be as follows:

a. it should consist of a certificate examination, a visual examination of a sufficient extent of the ship and its equipment, and certain tests to confirm that their condition is being properly maintained;

b. it should also include a visual examination to confirm that no unapproved modifications have been made to the ship and its equipment;

c. the content of each annual survey is given in the respective guidelines. The thoroughness and stringency of the survey should depend upon the condition of the ship and its equipment;

d. should any doubt arise as to the maintenance of the condition of the ship or its equipment, further examination and testing should be conducted as considered necessary.

Where an annual survey has not been carried out within the due dates, reference should be made to revalidation of certificates.

Please refer to Resolution A.997 (25) E or S as amendment Resolution A.1020 (26).


Resolution A.997(25)E
ResoluciĆ³n A.997(25)S
Resolution A.1020(26)E
ResoluciĆ³n A.1020(26)S
IACS Survey and Certification