Saturday, January 12, 2013

Initial Survey of Hull

Initial surveys
The initial survey, as required by the relevant regulations, should be held before the ship is put in service and the appropriate certificate is issued for the first time.
The initial survey before the ship is put into service should include a complete inspection, with tests when necessary, of the structure, machinery and equipment to ensure that the requirements relevant to the particular certificate are complied with and that the structure, machinery and equipment are fit for the service for which the ship is intended.
The initial survey should consist of:
  • an examination of the plans, diagrams, specifications, calculations and other technical documentation to verify that the structure, machinery and equipment comply with the requirements relevant to the particular certificate;
  •  an inspection of the structure, machinery and equipment to ensure that the materials, scantlings, construction and arrangements, as appropriate, are in accordance with the approved plans, diagrams, specifications, calculations and other technical documentation and that the workmanship and installation are in all respects satisfactory;
  •  a check that all the certificates, record books, operating manuals and other instructions and documentation specified in the requirements relevant to the particular certificate have been placed on board the ship.
Examination of plans and designs
An application for an initial survey should be accompanied by plans and designs as required by Administration or Class Society, as appropriate, together with: 
  • the particulars of the ship;
  • any exemptions sought;
  •  any special conditions.

Resolution A.997(25)E
ResoluciĆ³n A.997(25)S
Resolution A.1020(26)E
ResoluciĆ³n A.1020(26)S
IACS Survey and Certification