1. General
1.1 Credibility
The Surveyor shall refrain from any improper or questionable methods including the use of false, incorrect, incomplete or tendentious information in soliciting work and shall decline to pay or to accept commissions for securing such work. They shall not use unethical means to obtain advancement in the field of services provided or to injure others in the community.
1.2 Confidentiality of Information
The Surveyor shall consider all submitted information and survey reports to be proprietary and the contents or copies shall not be made available to another party, except as defined in your own Quality Management System Documentation, required by applicable legislation court order, legal proceedings, adhering to flag state requests or by Owners’ authorization.
1.3 Issuing Documents without Appropriate Action.
The Surveyor shall issue, stamp or endorse certificates/documents without performance of the required / appropriate actions.
2. Conduct
2.1 General
2.1.1 The surveyor shall not act in a manner that compromises safety of life and property or damage to environment or which leads to the lowering of technical standards.
2.1.2 The surveyor shall not have any business or other interest or any personal / family links with the client which may affect strict impartiality in the performance of his / her work.
2.1.3 The surveyor shall not act in a manner which leads to the lowering of the reputation of the Organization or which is detrimental to the image of Organization.
1.1 Credibility
The Surveyor shall refrain from any improper or questionable methods including the use of false, incorrect, incomplete or tendentious information in soliciting work and shall decline to pay or to accept commissions for securing such work. They shall not use unethical means to obtain advancement in the field of services provided or to injure others in the community.
1.2 Confidentiality of Information
The Surveyor shall consider all submitted information and survey reports to be proprietary and the contents or copies shall not be made available to another party, except as defined in your own Quality Management System Documentation, required by applicable legislation court order, legal proceedings, adhering to flag state requests or by Owners’ authorization.
1.3 Issuing Documents without Appropriate Action.
The Surveyor shall issue, stamp or endorse certificates/documents without performance of the required / appropriate actions.
2. Conduct
2.1 General
2.1.1 The surveyor shall not act in a manner that compromises safety of life and property or damage to environment or which leads to the lowering of technical standards.
2.1.2 The surveyor shall not have any business or other interest or any personal / family links with the client which may affect strict impartiality in the performance of his / her work.
2.1.3 The surveyor shall not act in a manner which leads to the lowering of the reputation of the Organization or which is detrimental to the image of Organization.